Sunday, March 15, 2009

Is the 'New' Wearing Off?

Uh Oh! It has been several days with no post. Is this the end, has the shiny-new car smell worn off? Ok, not quite yet. It seems I'm blogging just for me, because I don't think Bock-Kid-1 has looked at this. However, in the scheme of things, it is hard to make time for a new enterprise like blogging when there are so many other things going on in life. Take school projects, finals, and family matters like visiting relatives. All worthwhile and very important things to do but for now it puts Mom's new 'toy' on the back burner. I suppose it would be good to look into blog etiquette so as not to go too far into other people's lives (like complaining about their kids) or, at least move away so they can't find me when I do...
Right now we are working on Bock-Kid-2's 2nd Egyptian art project involving clay-aaaaiiieeee-this stuff is expensive. It seems like each project we have done for school has run $20-$40 dollars. Investing in your kid's education is important, but at what point does it turn into grade buying? Maybe that point is when mom trys to motivate kid by going to the craft store but then starts going gung-ho with ideas.
Last year we did a $35 diorama for Paul Revere's last ride because while looking for figures to populate, Mom got the idea we should get stickers from the scrapbook aisle to be trees, boats, fish, etc. Funny thing, we didn't even take a picture of it for posterity before I convinced pack rat Bock-Kid to part with it.
Hmmmm. Maybe what they say is true, when your kids go to school and you help them with their projects, the parent is the one getting the grade. I remember my mom doing a huge amount of research and drafting letters for me to copy to get things for a report I was doing. Perhaps it is all just Karma and we are just getting a chance to turn in our 'own' work. Someday when my kids have their own, they can do the projects...

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